Product: Amai Kuchibiru Japanese Whiskey – 750ml

Amai Kuchibiru Japanese Whiskey – 750ml


35 in stock

Region: Hyogo, Japan

Composition: 100% Japanese Whiskey

History: The Distillery is situated in the district of Hyogo, close to Mount Kasagata, with its abundance of nature and natural spring water. Known as the naval of Japan, the spring waters in this region are renowned for their healing qualities. This fine Amai Kuchibiru Blended Whisky is Japanese for “sweet lips” made from 100% Japanese Whisky.

Tasting Notes:

Amai Kuchibiru is a whisky that is amber in color with aromas of sweet honey and spice. A mellow, sweet vanilla flavor gives way to a long, elegant finish.

Amai Kuchibiru Japanese Whiskey – 750ml


35 in stock

Region: Hyogo, Japan

Composition: 100% Japanese Whiskey

History: The Distillery is situated in the district of Hyogo, close to Mount Kasagata, with its abundance of nature and natural spring water. Known as the naval of Japan, the spring waters in this region are renowned for their healing qualities. This fine Amai Kuchibiru Blended Whisky is Japanese for “sweet lips” made from 100% Japanese Whisky.

Tasting Notes:

Amai Kuchibiru is a whisky that is amber in color with aromas of sweet honey and spice. A mellow, sweet vanilla flavor gives way to a long, elegant finish.

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Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

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Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

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