Product: Bribón Tequila Reposado – 750ml

Bribón Tequila Reposado – 750ml


19 in stock

Region: Mexico

Composition: 100% Agave Tequila Reposado

Product Information: The fully matured 6-9 years old agaves are harvested by hand and cooked for 18 hours at 100°C. The agaves are crushed and the extracted juice (honey) is then fermented in tanks, after fermentation, the product is double distilled utilizing a process that combines copper pot distillation with column distillation.

Tasting Notes:

The appearance is light straw and the aroma is slightly woody notes, nuts, and cooked agave and the taste is soft, balanced, smooth and creamy on the palate with notes of vanilla, dried fruit, and cooked agave. Best with a classic and contemporary cocktail, as well as neat, rocks and shots.

Best with Bloody Mary

40% ALC / VOL

Bribón Tequila Reposado – 750ml


19 in stock

Region: Mexico

Composition: 100% Agave Tequila Reposado

Product Information: The fully matured 6-9 years old agaves are harvested by hand and cooked for 18 hours at 100°C. The agaves are crushed and the extracted juice (honey) is then fermented in tanks, after fermentation, the product is double distilled utilizing a process that combines copper pot distillation with column distillation.

Tasting Notes:

The appearance is light straw and the aroma is slightly woody notes, nuts, and cooked agave and the taste is soft, balanced, smooth and creamy on the palate with notes of vanilla, dried fruit, and cooked agave. Best with a classic and contemporary cocktail, as well as neat, rocks and shots.

Best with Bloody Mary

40% ALC / VOL

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Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

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Fine Wine Imports team

Sobre Nosotros

Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

¡Vive la experiencia, busca el sello!


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