Fine Wine Imports

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Product: District 7 Chardonnay – 750ml

District 7 Chardonnay – 750ml


2 in stock

Region: Monterey, California

Composition: 100% Chardonnay

History: District 7 is all that Monterey has to offer as a wine country. The number refers to our official regional designation within California, but District 7 is much more than a prime number. Monterey County is recognized by most experts as one of the most beautiful and diverse wine regions in the world, with complex soils and coastal weather patterns. Our team of winemakers reaps the benefits of our exceptional fruit, creating wines that are fruity, true to varietal character, and a delicious reflection of Monterey.

Tasting Notes:

Our 2018 Chardonnay is pure Monterey. The aromas are fresh and extroverted, with yellow apple, pear, and citrus notes enhanced by hints of coconut, vanilla, and toasted oak. The palate is medium-bodied, smooth, and balanced with bright fruit, hints of butter, and a subtle lingering oak finish.

District 7 Chardonnay – 750ml


2 in stock

Region: Monterey, California

Composition: 100% Chardonnay

History: District 7 is all that Monterey has to offer as a wine country. The number refers to our official regional designation within California, but District 7 is much more than a prime number. Monterey County is recognized by most experts as one of the most beautiful and diverse wine regions in the world, with complex soils and coastal weather patterns. Our team of winemakers reaps the benefits of our exceptional fruit, creating wines that are fruity, true to varietal character, and a delicious reflection of Monterey.

Tasting Notes:

Our 2018 Chardonnay is pure Monterey. The aromas are fresh and extroverted, with yellow apple, pear, and citrus notes enhanced by hints of coconut, vanilla, and toasted oak. The palate is medium-bodied, smooth, and balanced with bright fruit, hints of butter, and a subtle lingering oak finish.

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Sobre Nosotros

Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

¡Vive la experiencia, busca el sello!

Fine Wine Imports team
Fine Wine Imports team

Sobre Nosotros

Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

¡Vive la experiencia, busca el sello!


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