Product: Belharra Rose of Syrah 2019 – 750ml

Belharra Rose of Syrah 2019 – 750ml


Region: Napa Valley, California

Vintage: 2019

Composition: 100% Syrah

History: Belharra is the name of a legendary surf spot located on the Basque coast off Socoa, France, where storm tides hit an underwater outcropping and cause a rare wave of immense power. Such forces, after a vast journey, create a diverse natural beauty. Our philosophy mirrors the riders of these waves: patiently waiting for opportunities, understanding the contours of each current and practicing the craft with vigilance.

Tasting Notes:

Effused with bubble gum and candied fruits on the nose, their Rosé carries its characteristic delicacy on the nose. Perfumed with fresh-peach and hibiscus blossoms, a touch of pink adds to what’s in the glass. Crisp and refreshing, the medium-body picked and press Rosé is quaffable, with lychee and lemon blossom notes on the pallet.

Belharra Rose of Syrah 2019 – 750ml


Region: Napa Valley, California

Vintage: 2019

Composition: 100% Syrah

History: Belharra is the name of a legendary surf spot located on the Basque coast off Socoa, France, where storm tides hit an underwater outcropping and cause a rare wave of immense power. Such forces, after a vast journey, create a diverse natural beauty. Our philosophy mirrors the riders of these waves: patiently waiting for opportunities, understanding the contours of each current and practicing the craft with vigilance.

Tasting Notes:

Effused with bubble gum and candied fruits on the nose, their Rosé carries its characteristic delicacy on the nose. Perfumed with fresh-peach and hibiscus blossoms, a touch of pink adds to what’s in the glass. Crisp and refreshing, the medium-body picked and press Rosé is quaffable, with lychee and lemon blossom notes on the pallet.

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Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

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Fine Wine Imports team
Fine Wine Imports team

Sobre Nosotros

Aunque nuestra historia recién comienza, la experiencia y conocimiento del socio fundador es una extensa y diversa. Carlos Montalvo, nace en una familia de empresarios y por los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional laboró en el negocio de la familia, Cadierno Corp. En 2005, decidió fundar su propio negocio, Fine Wine Imports.

¡Vive la experiencia, busca el sello!


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